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Posts: 171
Estimable Member

I must say a massive thanks to Guy,Pete and Steve for organising this event, great way to end a brilliant CIA year.

I think i actually liked everything about this event.

It was good to see so many new faces both Allied and Axis and hope to see you all again. brilliant play all round.

Big thanks to the German that shot me in my arse on the first hill assault, sneaky bugger , i never even saw where it came from but it was probably a k98....judging by the wound , probably just outside the 25metre line :P

Thanks also to the Welsh guys for making the campfire such a laugh...

All in all another top notch CIA event , honest gameplay and some fierce fire fights by all.

Looking forward to seeing the other photo's and looking forward to the day my legs come back to life.

Highlight for me was stalking the german patrol on top of the hill that bumped us as we walked through the valley, Me and John taking fire before managing "after John medic'd me" to take out the germans ...only then to be shot by an American.....again!

see you all next year folks.

[url]<a href="""" alt="bf3 forum sigs"><img src="""></a>[b"][/url]Age. Fac ut gaudeam.

Posted : 17/10/2011 7:58 am
Old Un
Posts: 6781
Illustrious Member

All in all a good giggle . Germans gave a good defence of the initial line . The Allies flanked the second line , which made it's defence difficult, but then that's the way of war. Despite a good counter attack we failed to take the allies from two sides , and after that were forced onto a defensive .
I was iritated the mortar shells failed to work as designed, but a good day in the woods regardless.
Singing .....any German should recognise the Horst Wessel song :whistle: even if it is a lil non PC .

Posted : 17/10/2011 9:24 am
Posts: 9991
Illustrious Member

All in all a good giggle . Germans gave a good defence of the initial line . The Allies flanked the second line , which made it's defence difficult, but then that's the way of war.

We were in an extended line going through the woods. Saw a rather large German patrol go past about 20 metres away, followed it and heard the noise of emplacements being built and put in an attack.

If only I could say we purposefully put in a tactical flanking manoeuvre, but I'm afraid it was a bit of an accident that we found you!

Posted : 17/10/2011 9:40 am
Posts: 2332
Noble Member

Another good CIA event, great atmosphere and fantastic weather...what more could we ask for! :good: Favourite moments were prob the initial allied assault, where we held the line for as long as possible through some intense firefights, until we were flanked and pushed back to our CP. Big thanks to the CIA organisers as always for planning and executing another great day, roll on the next one! (i'll get my pics up after work tonight)


Posted : 17/10/2011 10:29 am
Posts: 106
Estimable Member

Hi, my first CIA event, really enjoyed it so it won't be my last. Thought the allies put in some great team attacks really had us Germans on the run. Great site and great weather too :good:

Posted : 17/10/2011 12:11 pm
Posts: 340
Reputable Member

Great fun. Thanks very much to one and all.
Got home knackered and the girlfriend thought it would be lovely if we all went for a nice walk on sunday... where I then bumped into Yith. Funny old world. Nice to see you again on bean.
Right... next battle please! :)

Posted : 17/10/2011 4:36 pm
Posts: 11230
Illustrious Member

Yes there was much startlement on both sides as I zoomed passed sean at speed, followed by me slamming my bike's breaks on. Luckily my dad didn't barrel into the back of me...

Posted : 17/10/2011 4:39 pm
Posts: 243
Estimable Member

Did anyone with a real camera (Pete?) get a decent shot of the British Airborne after the action ? The ones off Rolands iPhone are a little shaky. Nice and grainy with authenticity, but a better version would be appreciated.

Posted : 17/10/2011 5:13 pm
Joshua Rose
Posts: 81
Trusted Member

First CiA event for me too, and I really enjoyed it... quote Arnie "I'll be back"!

Still working in my Brit' kit, so I've got more options than just US Airborne.

It's just a matter of time (and money). :?

"I was fabulous, and it was a bloody good laugh."

Posted : 17/10/2011 5:56 pm
Posts: 5882
Illustrious Member

Did anyone with a real camera (Pete?) get a decent shot of the British Airborne after the action ? The ones off Rolands iPhone are a little shaky. Nice and grainy with authenticity, but a better version would be appreciated.

Here you go...

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By the way, thanks for the positive comments guys. My personal thanks to my Brit section, who obeyed their orders, got stuck right in and, with a sense of humour that never waned, gave Jerry a darned good thrashing! To everyone else who came, bloody well done. Great standard of kit and gameplay from each and every one of you. Thanks also to Close Action for letting us use their excellent site.

When I want your opinion - I'll tell you what it is!

Posted : 17/10/2011 7:09 pm
Posts: 473
Honorable Member

No other shots Pete? Thought I saw you snapping away ontop of the ridge that we so successfully ridded of dirty hun!?

Posted : 17/10/2011 7:34 pm
Joshua Rose
Posts: 81
Trusted Member

No other shots Pete? Thought I saw you snapping away ontop of the ridge that we so successfully ridded of dirty hun!?

...and some during the briefing...

"I was fabulous, and it was a bloody good laugh."

Posted : 17/10/2011 7:36 pm
Posts: 5882
Illustrious Member

Yes John, got a few others, which I have had to crop, as the camera was set to 5 megapixels at the time! :slap:

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When I want your opinion - I'll tell you what it is!

Posted : 17/10/2011 7:42 pm
Joshua Rose
Posts: 81
Trusted Member

Ah-ha, finally... of us scruffy yanks, getting (very begrudgingly) into a "sort of" parade line!


"I was fabulous, and it was a bloody good laugh."

Posted : 17/10/2011 8:00 pm
Posts: 2332
Noble Member

Just a few from me:

Posted : 17/10/2011 10:34 pm
Old Un
Posts: 6781
Illustrious Member

Did anyone with a real camera (Pete?) get a decent shot of the British Airborne after the action ? The ones off Rolands iPhone are a little shaky. Nice and grainy with authenticity, but a better version would be appreciated.

yes ..a real real camera ! ~Just awaiting film development this week so stay tuned . no garuntees however as it was very dark in the woods.

Posted : 18/10/2011 5:32 pm
Posts: 2609
Famed Member

Had fun with you wanks lol and you got some good kills with the m3 made me want one even more :( so added to my santas list for me to buy me :) by the time i got home that night had another set of tramadol and double whopper and felt a lot better :)

chris :)

Posted : 18/10/2011 8:28 pm
Posts: 796
Noble Member

Once again a very enjoyable event organised by the CIA team, thanks again :good: . Thanks go out to the German side who held out to the last man on what was a difficult task in keeping the Allies out of our lines. A few were wondering how we could be pushed back time and again, well it's simple, we defended in line with open flanks and the Allies attacked in groups at the line breaching it easily and looping around our flank. Once in the German rear we were fighting the Allies on more than one front. That was pretty much the order of the day and an enjoyable day it was.
A big well done goes to the Allies, you worked hard and it paid off, you were led well and followed your orders, you made us Germans fight hard :good: .

A special congratulations go to PteJohnny who earned a field promotion to Lcpl :happyclap: , you now need to change your forum name :giggle: . Also the WANKS, you had me in tears at the social, cheers. :top banana:-- attachment is not available --

Posted : 18/10/2011 9:09 pm
Posts: 9991
Illustrious Member

Nice diagram! For the first hour the US were probing the line and collecting intel. Our scouts made recces along the length of the north valley and ascertained the strength and breadth of the German defensive positions.

At the far end the line was protected by several snipers and very little cover, so the decision was made to push on the extreme right flank of the Germans where cover was better and mortars could be put in range to deploy smoke and put fire in on the bunker positions.

Posted : 19/10/2011 7:40 am
Posts: 796
Noble Member

Nice diagram! For the first hour the US were probing the line and collecting intel. Our scouts made recces along the length of the north valley and ascertained the strength and breadth of the German defensive positions.

At the far end the line was protected by several snipers and very little cover, so the decision was made to push on the extreme right flank of the Germans where cover was better and mortars could be put in range to deploy smoke and put fire in on the bunker positions.

For our 1st hour, our left (SS) were sniping and fending off small probing attacks from the British. Our centre was quiet. Our right (Heer) were forward of our line with the FJ harrying the US recce patrols. During this period I was linking between the left and right gathering info and ensuring all troops were informed of the current situation. Eventually what seemed like another probing attack on our left from the British turned out to be a full assault with support from US troops aiming at our centre. The SS gave a good account of themselves pushing the British back several times but eventually I was taking casualties thinning our position and when I noticed a squad of British looping our left flank I begrudgingly ordered the remaining SS to retreat to the HQ and defend it to the death. And that we did :giggle:

Posted : 19/10/2011 8:37 am
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