firstly i was only there for Saturday but what a cracking day , i thoroughly enjoy'd myself , i understand Josh's word's after the game saturday , it was a bit gung-ho for WW2 mil sim but i felt it was good for a film-sim game and as that it was enormous fun . i have to admit to getting drawn into a bit of outflanking the outflanking ..... manoeuvre.... sorry .i would also like to thank the German team mate (actual German ) on the German team in FJ kit who's name i never learn't , it was a pleasure fighting next to you , i meant to catch up with you after the game but i got caught up in sorting out kit after that and it never happened , so typical of these events , you spend half a day fighting next to a man and never learn their name. the banter from the British airborne commando's was great as was the American over confidence in battle , i saw so little bad play that i won't bring it up as it would detract from the overall very successfully run and play'd day. Thank you one and all for a great day.
m1a1 Thompson,sten mk2,mp40,stg44,sterling,mk2 bren gun,lee Enfield no4 mk1,Mauser Kar98, Walther ppk,smith and Weston m10 and Mauser m712
Give me a big enough hammer and a place to stand and I could fix the world.
i'll kill a man in a fair fight or if i think he's going to start a fair fight or over a woman or.......
a problem shared is a problem halved ,but an advantage shared is no advantage at all
if a job's not worth doing then its certainly not worth doing well
Yesterday was my first time at an airsoft event. I was in the Gebirgsjäger tunic that I rented from Josh.
It was an absolute blast.
I was Billy no-mates; there on my own. It was extremely welcoming and I didn't get any sensation of feeling like an outsider. I've done LARP before and those can be particularly clique-y. There was none of that here; it was extremely down to earth and pleasant for a newcomer. You were involved from the outset and felt like part of a team, rather than an individual cog. I liked that a lot.
I'll definitely be back for more. I'm now working out what impression I want to do, what group I should try and get affiliated with, the best way of getting certified up to get some weapons, etc etc. Looks like a lot of reading on the forum is in order. That said I'd love to do British Airborne or Gebirgsjäger; though the latter might be a problem, as there were so few in Western Europe and I'd be limiting myself for events. Fallschirmjäger seems like another good option.
Tons to think about.
As a newcomer, is it always that full on, or was that an exception to the rule? I was absolutely knackered when I got home; basically six hours solid. The last few hours I was struggling a bit. I also (noob mistake), left my BBs in the car thinking I wouldn't need the extra weight with three full mags and another 100 BBs in a tin. Truth was, the last hour I hardly fired a shot due to lack of ammo!
Thanks again for a really fun day. Add one more to the WW2 airsoft community. I'll definitely be back.
.i would also like to thank the German team mate (actual German ) on the German team in FJ kit who's name i never learn't , it was a pleasure fighting next to you , i meant to catch up with you after the game but i got caught up in sorting out kit after that and it never happened , so typical of these events , you spend half a day fighting next to a man and never learn their name.
He was called Lütz. really nice chap fully immersed in the experience just hope he joins the forum and becomes a regular. He appreciated the German speaking which I gladly got into with him.
Thanks Josh, Sven George and myself enjoyed the game but dam hard work lugging the MG42 around.
Best bits holding off the British Inf Brit commandos for what seemed like ages as they ventured in the open towards the second objective. 2 of us with the MG sat behind the obstacle as we watched a commando crawl several yards on his belly in the open, took him ages until we picked him off
Bad bits. totally knackered.
Hope to see the pictures from the photographer.
Well my knees are sore, covered in scrapes, bruises, and a few welts! But as with any WW2 event that I manage to get to I have a massive smile on my face which goes a long way to cancelling out the pain...
Another top weekend by Josh and crew as always, great to have the obligatory catch up and play up round the social camp fire, apart from Dog Co. staying up at Chateau Humble to you! (only jealous as back of car was not as comfortable as hoped but cider jacket had been well put on by that point so didn't care.)
Well done all the guys in field too, thought that all the game play was spot on all weekend and great to see so many new faces show up so hopefully bodes well for the future and to be up against more cohesive units made it a lot more challenging.
Top marks all round, role on the next one..
Like more than a few others this was my first WW2 airsoft event, and at risk of sounding cliché, it won't be my last.
I had a great time, got to meet some friendly people, shot a few of them, and I'd like to thank everyone for a good game and good sportsmanship, keen to see some pictures.
Well played one and all.
I've fired a bullet on every continent. Nearly hit someone, too.
I ran 8 times on Saturday.
I ran 8 times on Saturday.
I thought it was 8 1/2!
I had a thoroughly enjoyable time. Saturday was good, Sunday was very, very good. Many thanks Josh and roll on the next one.
I have a small skewer hidden in the collar of my jumping jacket, and a razorblade in my gaiter, as well as my knife.
Well and truly knackered ill write up sometime tomorrow still experiencing some pain I had Saturday night
Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk
Thanks for another great weekend. I had a blast with the British Airborne on Saturday. You are a really switched on bunch as well as being ridiculously funny.
Another good morning on Sunday with the Devons. They may just win the comedy accent prize for lying wounded and crying who will feed the cows now.
The Americans may just have to understand that having cake is always a higher priority than going to the aid of a Johnny come lately ally.
Guten Tag Kameraden,
real great day on Saturday.
It was my first WII event and as Allenby I was on my own. I experienced the same. I was immedialtely integrated into the community and people were helping to get into it or with technical issues as my rented gun gave up on me in the middle of a counter attack. Real shame.
I have to say that I was really impressed by the kit people were wearing and the props especially the truck and armoured car. Amazing scenes having British paratroopers advancing in good squad tactics through the woods in front to me. Awesome!
I was a bit disappointed of the German organisation as it felt like we were just a bunch thrown together and without a lot of leadership or tactics. Josh joining us later did improve this. I dont know if it was part of the story as the Germans were creating the defence at Arnheim out of every unit they were able to throw into the battle. Reading some of the older events and chats, it looks like there is more of it usually.
Josh thanks for the great kit I was able to wear...complete FJ outfit. By the way Dadio, I was the 'real' German fighting on your side - Lutz. Unfortunately I do recognise you on the picture. Were you the FJ with type of orange trousers?
I agree with Allenby all things said and I would also like to look into getting in some kind of team and getting kit accordingly e.g. FJ or general Heer. I would appreciate some recommendation on where to best get the kit.
Thanks again to everyone for the warm welcome and the Josh and his team for organising it. I will be back as well.
Saturday felt like an open day, a bit of a blat fest. It didn't seem to get going really in the way I'd have liked it too. I didn't particularly enjoy it all that much.
Sunday got towards a WW2 battle as I have understood it from previous events. It was much better.
Perceptions, perceptions...........
Guten Tag Kameraden,
real great day on Saturday.
It was my first WII event and as Allenby I was on my own. I experienced the same. I was immedialtely integrated into the community and people were helping to get into it or with technical issues as my rented gun gave up on me in the middle of a counter attack. Real shame.I have to say that I was really impressed by the kit people were wearing and the props especially the truck and armoured car. Amazing scenes having British paratroopers advancing in good squad tactics through the woods in front to me. Awesome!
I was a bit disappointed of the German organisation as it felt like we were just a bunch thrown together and without a lot of leadership or tactics. Josh joining us later did improve this. I dont know if it was part of the story as the Germans were creating the defence at Arnheim out of every unit they were able to throw into the battle. Reading some of the older events and chats, it looks like there is more of it usually.
Josh thanks for the great kit I was able to wear...complete FJ outfit. By the way Dadio, I was the 'real' German fighting on your side - Lutz. Unfortunately I do recognise you on the picture. Were you the FJ with type of orange trousers?
I agree with Allenby all things said and I would also like to look into getting in some kind of team and getting kit accordingly e.g. FJ or general Heer. I would appreciate some recommendation on where to best get the kit.
Thanks again to everyone for the warm welcome and the Josh and his team for organising it. I will be back as well.
yup that was me in my lovely tropical fj trousers , my field grey's were on loan and i'd wanted to give the big baggy's a go glad you enjoyed it , where are you based , we have a quite large German group who come from the south east , Surrey mostly and you'd be more than welcome to join the gang , you chatted to Gordon (fluently in German) on Saturday morning already , i also do British so sometimes i'll be on the other side . PM me for details of other games we'r going too ,we'r a very informal group and the more the merrier.
m1a1 Thompson,sten mk2,mp40,stg44,sterling,mk2 bren gun,lee Enfield no4 mk1,Mauser Kar98, Walther ppk,smith and Weston m10 and Mauser m712
Give me a big enough hammer and a place to stand and I could fix the world.
i'll kill a man in a fair fight or if i think he's going to start a fair fight or over a woman or.......
a problem shared is a problem halved ,but an advantage shared is no advantage at all
if a job's not worth doing then its certainly not worth doing well
yup that was me in my lovely tropical fj trousers , my field grey's were on loan and i'd wanted to give the big baggy's a go
glad you enjoyed it , where are you based , we have a quite large German group who come from the south east , Surrey mostly and you'd be more than welcome to join the gang , you chatted to Gordon (fluently in German) on Saturday morning already , i also do British so sometimes i'll be on the other side . PM me for details of other games we'r going too ,we'r a very informal group and the more the merrier.
Great outfit but I was even more impressed about your shooting skills. I saw the enemy but my MP40 was somehow out of range. Your single shoots Stg44 seemed to find their targets all the time from the sound coming from the bushes. Maybe you can teach a bit airsoft shooting as I am fairly new to it.
I am based in Ealing, west London more or less around the corner. Would loved to join in. Keep me posted.
Cheers all for a great weekend;)
I have to agree with Oli, sat was a fantastic shoot but not the ww2 experience I strive to deliver, however Sunday hit the spot.
Thanks for all the support guys. These epic battles just don't work without your support;)
Heer Schmidt
To echo those comments, Saturday felt a bit too blatfestish! Don't think it was anyone's fault, it just seemed to develop that way. And as it continued, people's mind set wandered to open day skirmish mode. Sunday however, was a total contrast! The approach to the vehicles in extended line was atmospheric and was added to by having to break down the mortar and lug it into battle. When our left flank was bumped after we cart wheeled our advance right, towards the field, Easy Mark, myself, Tatts, Dave and Bear (dog Co reprobates all) advanced to the top of a ridge on the tree line facing the field where our vehicles were stranded. Some sneaky beaky recon allowed us to spot our enemy's positions and so we retrieved the mortar (which we left at the base of the ridge and assembled it in true military style. A brief Attack plan was developed and we sent out advanced scouts to pin point our quarry. This worked a treat and following a single ranging round, we unleashed he'll on the dirty hun! Round after round found its mark. As we needed more range, we had our forward men deploy smoke before moving the mortar forward to continue our rain of death. All done with some excellent fire and move tactics and superb discipline from the team. Every man contributed to implementing this manoeuvre and I have to say that it is one of my best experiences in ww2 airsoft. It felt (to me at least) that we achieved that holy grail of complete immersion for that time.bbig mention to Bear who made such an epic tool of destruction (the mortar),to the lads in that section and to the Germans who took the hits and gave us the opportunity to enjoy the moment even more. To Josh for the opportunity to be there too. I doubt it will get any better than the 45 minutes in that field.
Yeah just to add sunday was also my favourite of the two days, culminating in the obsolutely awesome last half hour in that dark bit of pine woodland, just the atmosphere generated by enemy sillhouettes darting between cover and getting shots off at what was thought to be backs, feet or whatever showing from behind the tree Dont get me wrong saturday was also good but think that with as many players as we had in field that day once it started to slide into the open day style then i think it would have been very hard even for someone as experienced as Josh to pull it round so I think the players will have had the experience of the sunday game and how good it was can help other more shall we say inexperienced players implement it into future events. Looking forward to 2014.
I have to say it is all too easy to be pulled into a competitive mind set and go hunting kills. The fact that my squad had a very specific role as mortar team on the Sunday helped focus our attention and kept us task specific, namely extracting the vehicles. We couldn't run off and leave the mortar and we needed organisation in order to function, all of which gave us (well,me) the experience I came into the hobby for my revelation has led me to acknowledge that each player/group has a responsibility to themselves and others to conduct themselves in the right way. The one time I managed this, It all made sense
Thanks to Josh & everyone who was involved I had a fantastic weekend & I would agree with every thing that every one has said but I do know that sunday I used less ammo so it made it more of a tactical game which it was & I had more addrenilen (~•»> knows if thats spelt Wright) than I did on saturday
Thanks to mark for making us feel like one of the regulars in his company .
There was a lot more shooting on Saturday than usual, but it was still a good day.
The Germans done extremely well they was dug in well and held us back all morning
When all the 34th finally got our heads together we finally broke through
Big thanks to josh and all that helped organise it all
after a late start (come on guys there is no reason not to be ready on time) it was a nice paced, starting with the Germans dug in the woods and the convoy moving very slowly , and we made hard and slow progress , but then my garand died and had to nip back to the car and bring out the back up grease gun and when i got back it seemed to have all changed more very 40 v 40 fairly head on ish , still good fun but was the point it went a bit more standard game, in the first part with garand hardly used any ammo , but as we fought a bit more open twice i had to go back to regen as was out of my 300 rounds.
But as there seemed to be a fair amount of new players i think it went quite well, and i would prefer to lose a little bit of the game to engage and grab new players to the sport , but still it was a good day and some good battles , loved the pine tree area was really hard to pick people out so was good fun, was nice to see areas we did not use at Gothic.
my only bugbear with the day is the late start, would have been nice to have that extra hour.
But as always many thanks for josh for running the event, roll on the next one
the guy who took photos all day where will he be hosting them ?