Hi guys can you give us an idea about what weapons you will be using for the event. A) so we can sort reload bags out and second B) so we have an idea so me and Lardy can start some dastardly planning.
Mosin Nagant.
Guys could do with feedback as I am going to start bagging up rounds so don't want to over do stuff so if you can let me know asap. I can guess for the majority of you but only deffo I have got is for Allenby and universal gunner so please let me know.
I do not know. Should be a rifle. Yeah, say Rifle.
Well I was going to use my Nagant 1895 Revolver and a red flag? But have a rifle too if its a silly idea (carcano)
Well I was going to use my Nagant 1895 Revolver and a red flag? But have a rifle too if its a silly idea
To be honest mate if thats what you want to do then go for it, I have also sorting out the DP lmg so there is always role of dropping onto that duty when its required but again whatever your happy doing.
Ooooo, LMG you say?
Ooooo, LMG you say?
Yeah mate, cant let fascists have it all their own way. the gun is done just needs some work with the gear box as its making some funny noises and only spitting out at 150 fps but I will get it sorted.
For those who have not seen it:
Niiiiice! (rubs thighs provocatively)
Garand, most likely.
I will be using my nagant rifle and will take my garand as a backup