Last seen: Oct 8, 2021
I'm not convinced, you'd never pass for a real sikh...
Well a bulldog chewing a wasp at least in Yith's case.
The cotton khaki Obr69 tunic wouldn't look right but the winter weight brown one might look ok.
I'll be in my Heer wools, probably my greatcoat if its cold enough. I don't have pioneer waffenfarbe but I am tempted. I'm considering using my M1 car...
Id say by the cut it is a heer tropical uniform. The photo combined with fading just makes it look more yellow. Both LW and SS tropicals would be much...
I think you mean France 1940 Sean but otherwise its about right.
You're still on the wrong side though Martin.
I think Martin is right, I've never heard of FJ panzer units only assualt gun brigades.
Price dropped to £200.
Open to offers on this.