Estimable Member
Joined: Mar 11, 2008
Topics: 10 / Replies: 209
Re: Christmas Treat....

none of the above, buy one of the new L1A1 slr's It is done. I just need a Mk.V helmet, a pair of DMS boots and an S&S rubber bayonet and I'm g...

8 years ago
Re: RWA Lee enfield

It does look good but... You know what really grinds my gears? Airsoft manufacturers who use hex bolts for historical guns. Especially when the rest ...

9 years ago
Re: G&G Kar98.

Do they even sell mags for the G&G Garand? It really put a dozen nails and 5 feet of earth over the coffin when they released a gun you couldn't b...

9 years ago
Re: Zero One airsoft, beware.

When Tokyo Marui designed their gearboxes they were designed to run at 280 fps and then be disposed of and get a new product after a couple of years. ...

9 years ago
Re: Zero One airsoft, beware.

Certainly sounds like a good reason to take the plunge and learn how to do all your own upgrade work. Although I do still purchase from them on occasi...

9 years ago
Re: Zone One airsoft, beware.

Did they explicitly say over the phone that your warranty would be ok if you changed out parts yourself?

9 years ago
Re: Sten mods and upgrades

I've been working away the past week so STEN bolt was waiting when I got home. The weld around the stock tube needed a little dressing out to allow th...

9 years ago
Re: Hello from Surrey

Hi guys, Not new to airsoft but very new to WWII airsofting. After years of Vietnam and Cold War themed games I thought I'd finally try my hand at s...

9 years ago
Re: AGM MP40.

The AGM MP40 is a fantastic, fun little AEG. I've done no upgrades to mine as such other than a full strip, clean and re-lubricate. I also removed the...

9 years ago
Re: Sten mods and upgrades

Just placed my order for the STEN stock bolt.

9 years ago
Re: Sten mods and upgrades

Love it, I shall certainly be putting in an order by the end of this month, the original allen screw looks gash and is a pain in the rear.

9 years ago
Re: Airborne - M43 Uniform

As others have said do not use films or TV as a guide to colours. I would suggest taking a read through the historical reference section of At The Fro...

9 years ago
Re: Lending Equipment

Good news Bunker, I went for said rummage in the loft and found I've got five AGM metal mags.

9 years ago
Re: Lending Equipment

Would it be possible for anyone to lend me some agm mp40 mags as ny king arms ones came though today and they just slide out so it would be greatly ...

9 years ago
Re: Support needed please

I have passed info of the event on to friends in the WW2 reenactment community who dabble with airsoft on the side so hopefully some may sign up from ...

9 years ago
Re: Support needed please

Regards ww2 airsoft in the south I'm speaking from my own personal experience of being a southern dweller over the past several years, whether anyone ...

9 years ago
Re: Support needed please

It's that eternal catch 22 where "down south" events are concerned. The vast majority of WW2 airsoft players are based in the Midlands and t...

9 years ago
Re: booking thread

I've just booked and paid via the Combat South shop website. I'll be attending as US Army, probably in airborne M43s but I have leg infantry gear if...

9 years ago
Re: M1 Garand Owners Club

Time to breathe a little life into this thread by asking has anybody out there taken ownership of a G&G M1 yet, what are your thoughts? Real inf...

10 years ago
Re: Bookings

Well ain't that typical! I've no problem with a 43rd Wessex Division impression as I'm a 4th Battalion, Wiltshire Regiment reenactor and now in a posi...

10 years ago
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