Getting closer and everyone seems sorted?
I've got German, US and Soviet field kit I can loan out, uniforms if you are a big person.
Helmets, got those if your head is a 60/61.
Need a zeltbahn to keep the crud off your uniform? I can help.
aka Stigroadie
better by design
"Truth is a shining goddess, always veiled, always distant, never wholly approachable, but worthy of all the devotion of which the human spirit is capable. "
Didnt know were to post this, but just a last minute thought.
I want to UCAP based in portsmouth for a airsoft game a couple of years ago. (underground ww2 bunker/complex) They didnt allow bangs over a mark 5 ( i think) but with the low roof they were still extremely loud. Especially when 2-3 were going off in close proximity. So they handed out ear plugs before the first game for people to use. So my question Is it worth purchasing some ear plugs? Will some be provided already as the site is used to this? Or should I just man up and get on with it?
Didnt know were to post this, but just a last minute thought.
I want to UCAP based in portsmouth for a airsoft game a couple of years ago. (underground ww2 bunker/complex) They didnt allow bangs over a mark 5 ( i think) but with the low roof they were still extremely loud. Especially when 2-3 were going off in close proximity. So they handed out ear plugs before the first game for people to use. So my question Is it worth purchasing some ear plugs? Will some be provided already as the site is used to this? Or should I just man up and get on with it?
i posted this part in the rules section , will all players please read the rules, but we will go through them on the day as well
ALL PLAYERS will be issued with:
A bandage, to show their wounded
A lightstick, to show their dead
Ear protection.A set of new, roll up, squishy ear plugs. There will be some loud pyro, in confined spaces. nothing dangerous, and its all supplied by the site owners, they have tested it, and they are happy with its use, but we are giving people the option of hearing protection. Its a personal choice if you use it or not.
You will need to bring you own BSA approved safty glasses, and face protection if you require it.
SMOKE IS NOT ALLOWED ON SITE, ANY USE WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE END OF GAME. not our call, but the site owners, remember rule 1.
"Take that you rotton helping of strawberry flan!"
Joseph Porta to "strawberrys and cream", in the sven hassel book ,ogpu prison
Ok thanks for clearing that up, i thought I had read it some where.