Ammo limits are indeed one of those things that when you've tried them, you realise they make a (mostly positive) difference to immersion in a game. Normally, they are "per life" rather than all day, so if you run our of ammo, you just go back to your team's HQ and reload, as if you had been shot. As it happens, I've not yet run out of ammo with a semi-auto (I mostly use my M1 Garand) before I get hit and can therefore go back and reload anyway, with which in mind they're not always as restrictive as they might seem at first.
As others have said, ammo limits largely stop the "spray and pray" gaming style that you see in some walk-on games, often allowing more ammo for support weapons so that they *can* lay down the fire. It helps to even the balance between rifles and sub-machine-guns, which in turn adds to the game immersion by meaning that plenty of people do use rifles as a skirmishable and viable weapon.
I think exactly what limit is best is a matter of personal preference and also sometimes depends on the scenario. The lowest I've played with was 150, which wasn't too bad with the Garand as it was a pretty high-attrition game and we got shot quite a lot, but I could see that being a nightmare with an automatic weapon. I've played with a 500-round limit, and to be honest there's little or no chance of shooting off that many rounds with the M1 before somebody shoots me back, so I didn't really find myself thinking about running out of ammo at all. Maybe i would have if I was using an automatic weapon, I guess. I think around 200-300 rounds is probably my preferred limit overall, as it brings a balance with the different weapons and adds to immersion as described above. But whatever the limit is set at, if both sides have the same limit, and given that in WW2 games there is usually a strong sense of sportsmanship as well as everyone being there for the immersive experience, you'll be likely to have a good day's gaming.
I'm sold already.
All my guns are full auto. I have never had a problem with ammo limits. I do however find myself being more reckless if I know I am nearing the limit (I will have to go back to the respawn anyway). When I first had my Sten, I put a burstwizard mosfet in it, this allowed me to limit the length of bursts. If anyone has trouble with ammo limits on an AEG, this is a good way to get in the habit of using short controlled bursts.
I definitely want to give it a go.
Re the May game you mention, I can find only one (Eversley?), but that has only nine signed up for the Germans so I assume I'm missing one somewhere else? If not are there people already going who aren't on the list? 95 miles but with camping and facilities, sounds good! Is the camping included in the fee (and would we have to use zelts? Lol).
The regular airsoft I go to is fun but I've been looking for WW2-themed stuff for a while, yet found this forum only by chance. Go figure.
Games run by Gunman also have people signing up on the gunman airsoft forums. It's often hard to tell what the actual numbers are. Camping is usually included unless stated and a lot of people go for period camping gear but this is optional. If you choose to camp, the tiredness and hangover seem to add to the experience and are often used as an excuse by the Germans for their eventual loss
The regular airsoft I go to is fun but I've been looking for WW2-themed stuff for a while, yet found this forum only by chance. Go figure.
Well, a google search of "ww2 airsoft" would have made things easier than accident discovery!
Most of my searches were for more specific items, such as guns and clobber. It never occurred to me there would be a specific group of people. More fool me coz here it is.
Well, we're all glad you found us - to now come and join in the fun with us like-minded fools!
A Proud Member Of 'Team Spleen!' who play mainly at Gunman Airsoft, Tuddenham, Suffolk.
I agree there should be a limit, but around 500 would be better, as to " re-supply" would save time. I have only experienced "modern" skirmishes so far, some guys must do a fair amount in their excitement, I have gone all day, and done no more than 800, using a Ppsh 41 (the only one onsite!) I think I carried about 2000 with me.
I like the idea of more "realism" if there is a true levelling between the weapons of ammo it must be fair, all of you guys will have experienced that, I have yet to do this.
If you have a look at the past events rules section you will find the norm is about 300 per life, however this changes with game events and scenarios.
One oof the most immersive events I went to Hauptmann Horn had 150 for the whole day! But we were German Paratroopers landed in England to save Hess.
Our event in December Rattenkrieg in the tunnels is 50 per life.
What you need to think about is not how many rds you have is how many the other guy has. It is always hard people who join from Modern 2000 Box mag M4 wielders to sometimes get their heads around WW2 low ammo limits but give it a try you won`t go back once you see low ammo really works. As at the game on Saturday `Vierville` 150 a life thats 3 MP 40 mags.I did 2 then its ok make every burst count on the last mag never knowing if you are going to run out at the vital moment. It also installs team work I was in a grate position then called someone in to replace me so I could go and re load.
So what you are saying is, you can go back and re-load, and then re-join, as many times as you want? Or when hit and re-spawn, and re-load again? If so, possibly do 800 rnd, just a lot more walking!
At the Verville game if you died or had to return to load it was a life lost and there was a counting system where over a battle that squad of 10 only had 10 to 20 additional lives for that action so to lose an additional life was a big penalty ,when re spawn lives were all used dead was dead and your position could be over run and the squad would have to move to another command scentre to be back in the game .
The biggest mind set difference most regular airsofters have to get over is that the winning and losing is already planned ,Verville was a D day game so the Germans were always going to lose ! You measure your success as a German by how many you kill and now long it takes for the Americans to take a position ,at the end of the day the Germans still held one position ,that was their achievement ,they were never going to defeat the invasion. Limiting ammo and re spawn is used as a game mechanics tool to keep the game following the plan, its not a free for all situation like most walk on days.
m1a1 Thompson,sten mk2,mp40,stg44,sterling,mk2 bren gun,lee Enfield no4 mk1,Mauser Kar98, Walther ppk,smith and Weston m10 and Mauser m712
Give me a big enough hammer and a place to stand and I could fix the world.
i'll kill a man in a fair fight or if i think he's going to start a fair fight or over a woman or.......
a problem shared is a problem halved ,but an advantage shared is no advantage at all
if a job's not worth doing then its certainly not worth doing well
Yes dadio, I understand the outcome of the scenario, I played a similar thing on one game, where the killed were then formed into a new squad of 5 or more as they came in, then sent to different sector, but this was modern skirmish, everyone loaded to gunnales with ammo, so lots of casualties. The limiting is a good idea as long as it's a fair share.
The Vierville re spawn works really well,hoping it gets used more often,and the low ammo limits helped the game a lot in my opinion.
Elpus the ammo limits work because the idea of the WW2 games is that you and your squad have to work together. The low the ammo counts the more you depend on your squad mate. The idea is not to lace every single enemy you see. Its not a skirmish game, its in essence a milsim. Until you try it you wont get how it well low ammo works, also what you have to think about is not everyone had a sub machine gun or a light/heavy machine gun. So organisers trying to limit the impact the smgs have to help give the correct feel.
In the Verville game I was running my KA M1928 with the mid caps I have 3 mags....never did I run out of ammo even when our para section got in the thick of it.
As someone who was only armed with a bolt action in the last game I was thankful for the low ammo limits on smg's. The vast majority of soldiers in ww2 were armed with a rifle so it's appropriate that ammo limits lean in toward favouring rifles. Also it make support weapons more viable as they become less effective if everyone else is armed with full auto weapons.
Even with these low ammo limits I think I've only actually run out of ammo once. More often than not I'm hit before I start to run low.
I'm the same as Granger - whenever I have used a boltie, I have never run out of ammo in the field (usually shot long before then!).
I'm a big fan of having unlimited ammo for rifles and low capacity for SMG's, it just levels the playing field and encourages more rifles (which I think is a very good thing )
The limiting is a good idea as long as it's a fair share.
Fairness is over rated. very often one side in a conflict is going to be shorter on resources than another, it's one way of reflecting the bigger picture, like disrupted supply lines. I even played an eastern front game where we had to share a rifle and were given five rounds.
The limiting is a good idea as long as it's a fair share.
Fairness is over rated. very often one side in a conflict is going to be shorter on resources than another, it's one way of reflecting the bigger picture, like disrupted supply lines. I even played an eastern front game where we had to share a rifle and were given five rounds.
Oh dear, that Eastern front game sounds very Enemy at the Gates "The first man takes a rifle!..."
I've fired a bullet on every continent. Nearly hit someone, too.
I didn't mean the same amount each, machine gunners would have more ammo than riflemen, as an mg crew would have side arm ammo and more mg ammo, and those who do U.S. Army would have more than most!
I think experience is everything , once you actually try the low ammo limits you can see how it works .
When I first started with Ww2 airsoft nearly everybody was armed with an SMG ,a few MG's and almost no rifles at all , this was a very poor reflection on what really happened , those who chose a rifle then had a very hard days work indeed .
Since then with the generally lower ammo limits and greater saturation of rifles it has become far more viable to choose a rifle and far more people are choosing rifles than ever before , there was a tipping point about 2 years ago when people owned enough rifles but would only choose them on the day if the opposing side was similarly armed ,now with low ammo limits their first choice is a rifle and only if they feel overwhelmed switch to an SMG , this move to rifles far better reflects the nature of the experience of squad based scenario of the period.
m1a1 Thompson,sten mk2,mp40,stg44,sterling,mk2 bren gun,lee Enfield no4 mk1,Mauser Kar98, Walther ppk,smith and Weston m10 and Mauser m712
Give me a big enough hammer and a place to stand and I could fix the world.
i'll kill a man in a fair fight or if i think he's going to start a fair fight or over a woman or.......
a problem shared is a problem halved ,but an advantage shared is no advantage at all
if a job's not worth doing then its certainly not worth doing well